Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Diode Д9К

a while ago i tried to add it's model to LT-spice - following the specs of common Spice diode model parameters' spec. - THIS didn't quite end up as expected ???

so now i just studied the response of the I(U) graph to random LT's diode model parameter change and came to smth. that in (near) static mode resembles to a real world Д9К

some process steps in graphical representation ::

? empty DIV ?? !Wow
!!"Q%%&&¤/(/ - jälle see "Googel" ei toimi (ma ei kujuta ette neid inimesi kes iga päev siia midagi toksivad , HELP! HELP!) . . . ok , mis kuradi pilt siin on ..
↑ the lab Z-Up - a bi-way scanning of the diode chain varying the curent ↑
↑ fresh 10x + old 1x graph + static I(U) dependency ↑
↑ .model D9K D(Is=40u Rs=.3 N=3.2 Cjo=12p M=1.2 tt=60n Iave=30m Vpk=30 mfg=SpiceCLOzE type=silicon) ↑
/!\use at your own risk/!\
xls's static I(U) dependency build/check plot

? should i attempt to switch back to Compose view . . . (should backup this 2 note' B4) -- no switching! (not yet depressed coz the otherwise soo in-common Google malfunction) ('ll Save & FO here)