Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Random Test

LM324A , uA776 , LT1366
LTC6081 , LTC6241
LT1211 , LT1677 , LT1884
LT1881 , LT1813 , LT1360
LT6014 , LTC2055 , LT1097
AD8628 , LM324 , LT1012 NEW!
AD8628 , LM324 , LT1012 , LT1097 NEW!
Swimming course - ? whitch way is the shore
AD8628 , LM324 , LT1012 , LT1097 NEW!
AD8628 , LM324 , LT1012 , LT1097 MORE
AD8628 , LM324 , LT1012 , LT1097 MORE
AD8628 , LM324 , LT1012 , LT1097 MORE
APP TEST - zoom in

just a draft test for the 2-clones on the first image - /!\ it's (the test's) not scientifically designed - there's much nothing to conclude about it /!\

Monday, September 22, 2014

& i already thought i can do without blogger errors today (dream on ...)


it seems the blogger panicking with no good cause coz the 2-nd click on [Update] actually saved the thing with no problems . . . WTF? + then the FF crashed - so cool . . .

. . . the buggous activity started with modifying an old post , switching between [Compose][HTML] ::
  1. wrote in [HTML] :: (*note) < (e.c.) ...
  2. resulted in erroneous display in [Compose] view + some voluntary tag auto-re rangings ??? in --
  3. -- [HTML] view - also the < ?had changed to &amplt; ???, then wrote < (e.c.) ...
  4. ok in [Compose] but back in [HTML] the < had changed to (guess what) < (*note) (and then it didn't want to save the post ???↑screen capture↑)
-- no comments


Regulators test

Custom based on behavioral Op.Amp model (voluntary random LT1097 - the very first i got interested in)

LT1086 behavioral model

LM317 model based on Spice discreet component models

what it seems - is - that with the high power output loads the basic connection scheme works best for the LM317 (i didn't test 'em all of course)


Saturday, September 20, 2014

about LM113 Simulation

i donno - either i'm stupid , use wrong transistors or what's worse - this thing actually does not work in real ::

this is what GOOGLE thinks you should be happy with . . .

- opens fast & displays with Adobe Photoshop Elements , opens slow & displays with Nero PhotoSnap Viewer , opens but does not display with Microsoft Office Document Imaging (is a zip compressed while the less opt.-d 260KB LZW copy does!)
about :: FUCK - i uploaded an optimized 600dpi B&W 135KB (138 268 byte) TIFF image - now what GOOGLE doeas is "fuck your quality" - IT'S NOW NEARLY UNREADABLE JPG - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you - thank you ... 

... why to write a web page is ► no one reads it anyway - ◄ such a predictive img formatting policy F;i ? why not XD (! IDIOTS)

... I GUESS I GONNA CANCEL THAT BLOG - along shot with the GOOGLE translations of my stuff ◄ this really sucks
. . . as i did proceed - v.1 ::

 a "fuzzy logic" induced "meet power" - spike reduction attempt (i din't want to discard/modify any of Ti components - assuming the schematic being authentic)

-------------------- - v.2 ::

??? both v.-s' simulations show a "strong" hysteresis - for near static mode such does not matter - as does not and the initial ON-spike






Monday, September 15, 2014

Dummy 14dB Pulse Amplifier

much of a theoretical concept ...
fast schmitt trigger how to :: (uses v12.c from the SN7404's 'Spice alternate)
 Dummy 14dB Pulse Amplifier in action

this is amazing the i-net search can't allocate nor sine nor trapezoidal wave energy formulas ???

as much as i comprehend it'd go like ::

A(work J) = E(nrg J) = P(power W)dt = 1/R∫U²(t)dt

so for sine ::

E = U² / R ∫ Sin²( ωt ) dt = [ 1 - Cos α = 2 Sin ² ( α / 2 ) → { 1 - Cos ( 2 α ) } / 2 = Sin ² α ] =
= U² / ( 2R ) ∫ { 1 - Cos( 2ωt ) } dt = U² / ( 2R ) [ ∫ dt - ∫ Cos( 2ωt ) dt ] =
= [ screw this . . . ------------------------------- . . . , ok] =
= predicting : [ Sin ' ( 2ωt ) / 2ω = const. 1 / 2ω · outer fn. derivate Cos(arg.-s) · inner fn. drvt. 2ω =
= Cos ( 2ωt ) . . . - so - . . . ] = U² / ( 2R ) [ t - Sin( 2ωt ) / 2ω ] = [ for the half cycle ] =
= 2 · U² / ( 2 ... = U² / R [ τ / 4 - Sin{ 2 Pi / τ · ( τ / 4 ) } / ( 2 Pi / τ ) ] =
= U² / R [ τ / 4 - 2 τ · Sin( Pi / 2 ) / ( 4 Pi ) ] = U² / R · τ / 4 [ 1 - Sin( Pi / 2 ) / ( Pi / 2 ) ] =
= U² / R · τ / 4 [ 1 - 1 / ( Pi / 2 ) ] = . . . there's long time since i last did such  - - check multiple times before you use any of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . .
. . . U C :: E = h ν ( in µ-world ) , but here the E became C / f , as for f → ∞ E = 0 it doesn't quite match what i remember about . . . however for ⌂t and P it'd be C · τ / t , IF τ = t THEN P = C for all frequencies likely applies for non relativistic world thus the E.Sine formula might after all be and what it was found here . . . might !!!

&Shit , i gess i see the error (always post error-check myself) :: for each quadrant wave we have a bit different result ::

= U² / R · τ / 4 [ 1 - 1 / ( Pi / 2 ) ] = as infact =
= U² / R · τ / 4 Σ0,3 [ 1 - Sign( 1 - 2 (( tLOWER div τ ) mod 2 )) / ( Pi / 2 ) ] = U² / R · τ / 4 =
= not exactly sure what i'm doing (a progressive exacting) // what we should like get is
average U of sine that is ∫ASin(t)dt = -ACos(t)=A at t=(0,Pi/2) for 2Pi 4A relative value for average deviation is thus 2A/Pi . . . as U²/R·τ/4 = (2U)²/R/f , hmm for P the f goes F'd and it's OK, but for NRG ...

oscillation is ± disturbance/deviation  from system balance center ??? E = P·t = P/f . . . or dE * = Pdt = ...
... = [ if f = 1/τ = 1/(t/n) → 1/f = t/n → 1/fconst = dt/n * ] = . . . ??? PMAX · f³(t) / (3f) , f → ∞ 1 / Pi² = 1/(±Arg(-1))² . . . 1/arg , i = exp(ln(i)) = exp(ln(1·e^(i · (2n ± 1)π))) = exp(i · (2n ± 1)π) , ln i = ±iπ , (±iπ)² = -π² , f(-x)=1/f(x) , . . . = this whole computation must be started by some other way (we are missing stuff here ... ) / halt // halt /// halt

& for trapezoid ::

E = 1 / R [ a0² ∫ t0 dt + U² ∫ 11 dt + a2² ∫ t2 dt ] =
= 1 / R [ a0² t0³ / 3 + U² t1 + a2² t2³ / 3 ] = [ U = UMAX = ai ti ]
= U² / R [ U / (3a0) + t1 + U / (3a2) ] =
= U² / R [ t0 / 3 + t1 + t2 / 3 ] = [t0 -- rise time ; t1 -- ON time ; t2 -- fall time ]
P = E / ⌂t = E / ( t0 + t1 + t2 )

Monday, September 8, 2014

1.2V LED driver dev.

it's quite simple to make 24% to 42% efficient 1.2(read 1.46V) "Step-Up"-s or - a less simple - up to 60% efficient (but then low current) 1-s . . . . . . . . . this one promises to be exception to prev. - K-words ::
  • 100µH
  • a "right" frequency & duty cycle
  • special set of transistors
the img. name is misleading relict !

futher to implement ::
  • sw2 & feeding the oscillator from HiVtg. after start up
  • adjusting the cycle according to emptying of the battery
    from (1.46V,250mΩ) dn2 (1V,1Ω)
  • optional blinking mode when battery is too low
  • other

Found Bug in "a bit unusual linear voltage regulator"

New v. /!\ not final /!\
? i hope it stays stable (the real build'll likely gonna explode anyway , so ... ? why to worry)
all NPN-s 2N2369 all PNP-s 2N3906 J-Fet U309 D-s 1N4148 Qz Xtal alternate RCCL 5/15pF

PS! there's some non-trivial steps in std. encoding process - whitch i dont know about if they can be simply done making it for now ::

►the mission impossible ::
  • make few BJT-s based coFM encoder/transmitter
  • implement highly stable Fq. auto adjust
  • implement band filtering as accurate as possible
i got some ideas but no exact ideas - (a lot of research to be done)

just fixed the HF supply bug