Monday, June 17, 2019

OC OD output voltage divider calculator

Voltage Divider - Calculator

Param. Input Set Value Verif.
Corr. : .
ISNK : .
VCC : .
VTH : .
ΔV : .
UHI = VTH + ΔV :
ULO = VTH - ΔV :
Integrity of the entered data :
R3 (Ω) = ROC = RSNK : .. .
K = R2/R0 = :
= VCC / ULO - 1
VCC / UHI - 1
R2 (Ω) = RLO =
= R3 · ( K - 1 ) :
.. .
R0 = R2||R3 : ...
R1 (Ω) = RHI : .. .


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Determining a near to the exact HFE value

Not providing how did we got there -- the IC IE are best to be kept below-equal to the 1.5mA and less

more ::

utilities ::


Friday, June 14, 2019

Bipolar Passgate Experiment

There are obviously more tests to be done to evaluate the thing . . . but so far there are 2 of them :

resistive load + sample and hold ::
