Thursday, February 13, 2014


i just captured a fragment of the radio theatre (? google spell checker suggest there's an error ? my ISBN 0-86227-835-X p.419 however gives us an opposing view ??? what it should be a play/act house ??? go figure) aired locally - however this very ?error? goes well along with the fragment captured e.g "and the feature you don't even dare to say (being afraid of loosing it) . . . luck ..." (the L-word (not the F-word) -- italic makes it difficult to tell - so:) - made me think ? what are "they" on about ? isn't it a subjective light-time-temperature-blood-pressure.functionOf() . . . <fuzzy logic processing> resulted in a theorem hypothesis : "the lucky people are those who are stupid/inattentive enough to see no problems involved with their surroundings" . . . !Hei it's perfectly normal i'm mostly pissed by most everithing :

it's like i've frequently thought that "back at the old times" i was more happy about my life , everything i was doing - but i didn't have then "goes to err.-state at ..." AND "is not developed to support feature ..." lists populated to their today's volume

so you're either pissed and do something practical or add to a general Hurray Club - as the hope dies last the HC's role is not to be underestimated here


as a retired "dragon" - this is what i'm appyh about :

F;X the tasks don't show out too good here XD
-.- that's better

format cleanup:
ULL.X :: 220 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 11
ULL.Y :: 279 = 3 x 3 x 31
SA.X :: 708 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 59
SA.Y :: 1064 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 19 (= 266 ≈ 279)
Math. :: resize SA.Y so that the resulting XY ratio'd be equal to the one of the ® AND Δ(ULL.Y,SA.Y)'d be as small as possible ... looks we're already there - since the either of XY-s've no lesser common multiplier to fine adjust . . . (the Japanese are smaller so it kind of goes ;X)

def.-s :: retired dragon :: . . . the dragon is basically a spirit , a sub descendant part of a time(-ship) or casual sequence (a lie) that is defined to be such - as a creator spirit you create these (i might not remember it too well ...) by going into meditation (not here -- though you may start in this world) of some ultimate feature . . . it usually involves (the spirits know everything or at least are capable of) minimizing your databases such as cutting off certain relations (well to you if/as a spirit) so you create/meditate you.notYou() that sees less or perhaps more from derived/defined new base-set (basically it's like a voice/thought commanded computer) you are in this new spirit bubble (a new instance of "time" insulated from the higger 1-s - has less "dimensions"/deg.-of freedom - more casuality) study what you there're what it feels what you see - tune the compile (voice commanded 'puter) ? ? ? then you prog your way out ??? leaving inside the new featured you

at that point it must be realized that when a spirit you're always a bunch of "people" as in here world a set of internet ID-s only in more ID-wise continuous/integral form -- your www ID-s are not superpositionable in world(s) the spoirit ID-s are you can recombine them to a new ID-s and time-shift release into same world and same time . . . and the are more self-sustaining-continuous/integral . . . down here @ 3/4D+t have birth-life-death ...

if they are of the same dragon=spirit.subOf() then there's like lesser difference of me-s in lesser casuality time-scapes - it's like changing wear - the more you believe of being of a certain coat the more it starts to realize - as for here analogy the more you use specific ID the more you believe being that=internet.ID

well the more you modify/create it's "history" the more of it'll be "you"

now as a spirit if you out of the sudden recall being of something else previously - you may shift back to your previous you -- the difference compared to here is that as your all "dragons" are set to "life" on their primary appearance (in)to time then if you leave your certain ID that ID still continues it's life down to times it currently "populates" (someone else - the me.notMe part of your higher spirit - defines it's "history" forward) -- e.g. if you didn't mess up too bad keeps the "thread" "alive" and going

there might be occurrences where it's better for your "" to populate lower realms only - or your energies just don't loop time-wise-continuous through uppers -- so here it's that retired dragon condition , blah ...

life sucks - muhahaa

here's how ::
Miss Miazaki's cat

japan cats (it should be a small town north of Tokyo -- this cat is from -- (in town) there's a weighing station or smith's-shop -- the spirit's/mind *view from N(N)E -- not enough data to extend* . . . F;i . . . might've do smth. with rust and nuts -- "spirit timers" (?failed in "this" occasion) ← too much guesswork already - the img. found from webshots B4 2010CE -- 1-st "decoded" then )

booty from web's Hots ;>- yummy

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